Friday 24 June 2016

Good Deeds

What is Good Deed?

Something DONE GOOD is "Good Deed". It sounds simple but is complex. 
Complex because, there is no metric system to measure the meter or kilos of goodness.Meaning is, just telling 'good' does not give the clarity.

For doing good, there should be purity in thoughts. I am sorry!,  'purity' again is bit complex,  though not, once you understand. Purity is something aloof of selfishness, purity is something aloof of profit-loss calculations. The word purity has to be given utmost importance, because, purity is an asset where "heart is at right place" (some call it abiding 'conscience'). 

One example may give the relevance to above depicted details. 
'Killing' someone is Deed, but whether it is good OR bad deed, that's the question. At first instance, killing can be defined as bad deed. Now, if you analyse two different situations of killing, the same killing can be bad or good. One soldier fighting on war front, killing opponent soldier and one gangster killing civilians just because their cocaine is not supplied to destination due to police interference. 
One deed has some value, as the soldier is killing and dying for the sake of his duty and responsibility towards nation and gangster has only selfish motive and wants to gain via short cut/path. In other words, good deeds have some inherited values and not so easy at times.
Vivekananda said this in a very nice way, that which is unselfish is Moral. and which is selfish is Immoral. So, moral work is always good.

Why to believe in good deeds?

Many a times, we loose belief on good deeds and even on GOD, commonly, when expected results are not paid or bad outcomes are the resultant of good deeds. The call of Impulse brings many negativities and let us loosen the grip on Good deeds at that very time.

But you know what, good deeds are not the bliss for future. Doing good itself is a bliss. 
An example can make you clear. Before that, I will ask readers to first validate the fact that, Saints like Jesus, Ali, Buddha, are someone who can be considered as embodiment of bliss. 

Guru Arjan Dev, fifth guru of sikhs is a martyr who was tortured like anything till his death. Does that state that he was not blissful,  as, throughout the whole life he did good, but, in the last period of life, so painful becomes his condition. Actually, in his whole life, he never lost the belief on doing good and did good till his end (even when he was brutally tortured). His martyrdom brought the faith on light and good deed more.

Doing good even in adverse situations is the highest form of bliss. Therefore, let us never loosen the grip of faith on good deeds and lead a blissful life by doing good, which is very much in our hand till our life ends.

Saturday 24 May 2014

Stress Free Life

Stress free Life:

There are four yogas that we know from our ancient saints. Though the sole purpose is God realization or Self Realization but the principles of each yoga can be applied for the stress free life:

1. Karma Yoga
2. Bhakti Yoga
3. Raja Yoga
4. Jnana Yoga

All these yoga are for God realization purpose solely but the principles of the yoga can be used in Stress free, Peaceful and Calm Life.

1. Karma Yoga:
Karma yoga mainly tells about Nishkama Karma.
What exactly is Nishkama karma?
 From the word it can be understood that nishkama karma is a karma where there is no desire to get something. Swami Sarvapriyananda gave the example of monks of R.K.Mission who whole day work in different sectors e.g. School, Hospital etc but they don’t do for their promotions/money but they do for the sake of doing and because of that they forget their self i.e. they totally loose the ego while doing nishkama karma.

Shakama karma can be also very good being remaining in the bound of Dharma i.e. Dharmik Akarma in other words. Lastly again the sole purpose is God realization according to Karma yoga taught by the ancient saints but can be used for stress free life.

2. Bhakti Yoga:
Bhakti Yoga tells about the devotion, dedication, purity and patience of Bhakta (Devotee). The Sole purpose of bhakti yoga again is the God realisation or self realization but it can be practiced for the stress free life.

What happens in the life of Bhakti Yogi?
 In bhakti yoga what mainly happens is that the Bhakta has the full faith and believe on God may be in the form of Ganesha, Kali, Durga, Allah or Jesus. All the works or whatever in the situation he/she dedicates all to the God. Be it success or failure, all because of God. So, ultimately he/she is stress free. Again, the bhakti yoga needs the true faith and purity on God. The sole purpose is the God realization and self realization. But, it helps in getting stressfree life. One can see that true saint is always stress free.

3. Raja Yoga
Raja yoga is the path of meditation. In this path Yogi remains calm and leads the path of meditation.
In this context swami Vivekananda gave a very good example of nature i.e. when the lake is without any tide on the surface and the water is also very clear then even the pebble lying in the bottom surface of lake can be seen clearly. All because of the water remaining calm and clear.

Similarly, whatever be the situation in our life if our mind remains calm and clear then we can be stress free. As we will be able to see that all the situations' result is not at all effecting me. Again the sole purpose of Raja Yoga is God realization and the Self Realisation but the principle is very useful to lead the stress free life.

4.Jnana Yoga:
Jnana Yoga is the path of knowledge. The principle of Jnana yoga is based upon the Object which is seeing and the Object to see.
Now a very good example will help to understand how?
 In daily life we see by our eyes the world. But directly we can’t see the real eyes itself, which proves that the object of seeing and the object which is seen are separate. For here the eyes are separate and the world is separate.
Now Mind can understand what the eyes are seeing,so mind is witnessing the eye. Therefore, the mind and the eyes are separate. One is object to see and other is the object to be seen.
Now, sometimes we are happy and sometimes we are sad, in other word mind tells the state and I become happy again mind understands the state of sadness and I become sad. Therefore I and mind is separate.
The Path of knowledge lets us know the reality of existence. And ultimately it separates us from everything and leads us to oneness which is beyond all the sorrow and happiness,

Again the Jnana yoga is also solely meant for God realization but Jnana Yoga- Path of knowledge can help in leading stress free life.

All the paths which are stated above may create stir in each one of us. But slowly and steadily if we try to apply, it can benefit us. Any one of the path if followed sincerely, may it will take time but, surely it will pay.